My Low Waste Journey So Far

Header photo credit: Home Revolution

I don’t know who needs to hear this but, climate change is REAL.

One way I’ve been making an effort to change is by switching to a low-to-zero waste lifestyle. I’m not living a full zero waste lifestyle yet and I’ve come to terms with the fact that it won’t happen overnight, and that’s totally okay.

Here are some things to keep in mind and some small ways you can start your own eco-journey.

Look At Your Waste

The easiest place to start is in your own trash can. Do you see a lot of Starbucks cups or fast food receipts? By looking at your own carbon footprint, you’re able to get a good sense of how much waste you’re putting out. From there, you can start the next step.

Where Will You Start

Your eco-journey can start small. If you find yourself eating out a lot, consider meal preps to start off your week. If coffee cups are your Kryptonite, keep a reusable mug handy with you at all times.

Use What You Have

When I told my friends I was starting my eco-journey, they were really happy and supportive. So supportive that on my birthday and on Christmas, I got a TON of reusable straws and water bottles. While my friends mean well, it actually creates more clutter at home. The best thing to do is to use what you already have. Everyone has Tupperware containers that they can easily bring to work or school and you’ve probably already got an old bottle lying around too.

Use What You Have” is also a great mentality for items like makeup. You don’t need that new lipstick when you know you’ve already got five tubes of it at home. Use your products until it’s all gone and find a way to properly recycle/upcycle them before you start all over again.

Everyone has to start somewhere and everyone has a different process. The most important thing is that you started and hopefully this can inspire your friends to start their own eco-journeys as well.

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